Renee's Impressions


Renee is first generation born in SF, CA from El Salvador, Central America. She is a Bay Area chef and ceremonialist, who created La Kitchenita a 'comedor' that weaves together traditional foods, a love of animals, herbs and food as medicine. Her endless inspiration is Mt Tamalpais in Marin County. Oakland, CA


To describe my experience w/EOA is to speak from the heart.
And that is one of many things i learned to do amongst our "tribe".

It has been 4 years (almost to the day) since my time in the Mojave Desert. During our time out there, alone for 4 days, something incredible happened.

The Desert, the Stones, the Stars the Sun the beautiful Moon... all spoke to me.

They spoke of their medicine, their fibers, their creation stories, they revealed all their healing capabilities. They revealed that Mother Earth has provided us with everything we need, through the 4 elements and the 5th including love.

Upon my return when i shared what i learned and experienced, my tribe listened and accepted all i shared. No judging, questioning, etc... How empowering that was, to have the support as well as similar experiences shared that gave us all strength and a stronger intuition and connection to the world of Nature.

Four years have passed now, and i took that magical information and continued to work with it, cultivate it and the experience led me to  apprenticing to Curanderismo, a healing system of folk medicine traditionally used by Central American cultures.

EOA guided me back to my connection to Mother Earth and Mother Earth has guided me back to myself. And with this all being said, the friendships i made are ones made of incredible depth and strength. Some of my best life experiences, i shared with people i met there.

EOA births you back to you, with Nature as a Partera (midwife).

EOA.... this experience shaped me like the Wind.

I present to you, the incredible, mysterious experience of Ecology of Awakening.


How do we choose to return to our Essence?
Do we even ever think about this question?
Our essence is unique to each one of us, just as our gifts and our light.

This prayer is the only thing that can come close to expressing all the mystery, curiosity and wonder that manifested since I stated "I am confirming the Wild Magical Woman that I am" in the desert:

Old Whispers Thank you for Speaking Up and Out
Old Whispers thank you for helping me find my way back to my Raices, my Roots, my Ancestors.
Old Whispers thank you for keeping me true to my Wild dreams of exploring Curanderisimo, the healing arts of MesoAmerica.
Old whispers thank you for keeping my secret dreams safe and available for me to come back to.
Old whispers thank you for teaching me how to pray.